Engineering Maintenance

Choosing CRM Software for Franchisors

You have found this page because you are trying to get through the fog of information regarding choosing  CRM software for franchisors, you know what a great CRM can do for any business, and you also know that choosing the right shortlist of systems is critical to the ability of your idea to work! How you handle the issues below (and others) will determine the success of your CRM system choice and overall success of the complete project. Advisory group/feedback. Utilising the full networ...
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Customer Service Vs Customer Experience

Customer Service Vs Customer Experience - ServiceM8
Customer Service Vs customer experience are often used interchangeably - but, is that correct? This post is going to be going through some of the biggest differences between customer experience and customer service. (If you would like to learn how this relates to growing an engineering services company - always happy to schedule a chat.) The first key thing to understand is the difference of customer service vs customer experience - customer service is part of a holistic customer experience, ...
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