Free Mini Audit for ServiceM8 Users

Free mini audit for ServiceM8 users has been set up by Mills Consulting Group to provide feedback and insight on how an account is being managed and used.

We have been working with SM8 users for over 2 years, helping new companies using the system for the first time during a free trial, to advanced users completing over 1500 Jobs per month.

We have a focus of working with engineering service companies, and have some great testimonials in various sectors including: Lifting (Loler/Safed, static, mobile), Solar (domestic/commercial), Plumbing & Heating Engineers, Electrical Contractors, Construction, Specialist Cleaning (Chimneys/floors/stone), etc.

A free mini audit will benefit any company from:-

  1. Free Trial Users – early users, not having time to fully understand the power of the system, typically have not used the core features, activated some of the fundamental, and have questions – that when answered – open new efficiency improvement ideas. During the free trial – users have access to all features, a mini audit can identity unknown benefits. Having a mini audit early in your journey can also ensure that the software is not only the right fit for your service business now – but also in the future!
  2. Lite / Starter Plans – having invested and paid for ServiceM8, plus being relatively early in your implementation of a Job Management system. The mini audit can quickly high-lite fundamental ways that the system can reduce admin and paperwork through better use of Templates (email/SMS/Job), and the organisation of enquiry and operational workflows/pipelines. (There are a couple of fundamental elements that can make or break you(r) teams experience (and enjoyment) of ServiceM8 – these can be forgotten, early in your use. A little bit of system ‘maintenance’ can go a long way.)
  3. Growing to Premium Plus Accounts – when business owners have been using ServiceM8 for longer periods of time or have migrated from an alternative job management system – their needs are different – typically requiring a more strategic view/appraisal. More advanced users want to understand how they might use ServiceM8 better – with the aim of not only improving efficiency and reducing administrative BUT ALSO make the system work for them personally – freeing up their time!

In addition to the above, the ServiceM8 Partner Portal also generates a real time snapshot ‘Health Check’ of the account, including, but not limited to: dormant addons, system usage, and warning indicators.

A free mini audit for ServiceM8 users, can be requested any time during your use the system, however, typically users will consider a review once a year.

Should you like to have a mini audit carried out on your account, or have any other questions about how to get more from ServiceM8 – please do not hesitate to contact us or schedule a demo.
