FixFlo Job Export to ServiceM8

FixFlo Job export to ServiceM8 is not yet possible via Zapier

However work can be shared to ServiceM8 users using the free Email Inbox addon.


SM8 Email Inbox is a fast way to convert emails into new jobs.

You can forward job-related emails directly into ServiceM8 including all attachments, and do one of three things:

  1. convert them directly into new Jobs
  2. import the email into an existing Job diary
  3. remove the email

All client details and attachments will auto-populate the job card diary.

This feature can also be used to redirect website ‘Contact Us’ forms directly into SM8 – and allow you to reply from with ServiceM8 immediately – never losing a web lead again!

If you would like to learn more about how to set FixFlo Job export to ServiceM8,  the Email Inbox addon or any other features of SM8 – that can make your engineering/service business operate more efficiently, do not hesitate to get in touch.
