How do I determine the county average wage or the state average wage?

The county average wage and statewide average wage is calculated by the Department of Economic Development and can be found at www.missourieconomy.org/indicators/countywage.stm. The statewide average wage is listed last on the table.

Where can I get my corporate kit or corporate seal?

Corporate kits may be purchased from a legal stationery store. A corporate kit usually contains a corporate seal, blank stock certificates and forms for the adoption of by-laws and recording the minutes of meetings. Rather than composing their own forms, some may find it easier to use the preprinted forms provided in a corporate kit. Please note that New York State law does not require a corporation to have a seal. Your telephone book’s yellow pages or a yellow pages information operator (your area code + 555-1212) may be helpful in locating a legal stationery store. read more

Does Missouri require depreciation to be added back?

No. The provision requiring the adding back of bonus depreciation includes property purchased on or after July 1, 2002 but before July 1, 2003, in determining if the bonus depreciation must be used as a Missouri modification. Property purchased before July 1, 2002 and after June 30, 2003, does not qualify for the modification.

What if my Missouri due date falls before the federal due date?

You must file and pay an estimated return by the original Missouri due date and when the federal return is completed, file an amended Missouri return.

How does a foreign corporation apply for authority to conduct business in New York State?

A foreign business corporation may apply for authority to do business in the State of New York by filing an Application for Authority pursuant to Section 1304 of the Business Corporation Law.

How do I obtain a license or permit for my business entity?

Once the business entity is formed or registered with the California Secretary of State it must obtain the necessary licenses and/or permits. The Secretary of State does not issue licenses or permits for business entities. Please refer to the CalGold (California Government: On–Line to Desktops) website for information about business license/permit requirements. CalGold’s online database provides links and contact information to agencies that administer and issue business licenses, permits and registration requirements from all levels of government. read more

What is a Professional Service Corporation?

One or more professionals may form, or cause to be formed, a professional service corporation (P.C.) for pecuniary profit for the purpose of rendering the professional service or services that the professionals are authorized to practice. A P.C. is formed by filing a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to Section 1503 of the Business Corporation Law. “Profession,” as defined in Section 1501(b) of the Business Corporation Law, includes the occupations regulated by Title VIII of the Education Law plus any practice as an attorney and counselor-at-law, or as a licensed physician. read more

How do I form a business corporation?

A business corporation may be formed by filing a Certificate of Incorporation pursuant to Section 402 of the Business Corporation Law. The Department of State has prepared instructions intended for use by first-time domestic incorporation. It includes answers to commonly asked questions, names and addresses of other government agencies that a corporation may need to contact, instructions for completing a Certificate of Incorporation, tax information, and fee information.

What is a business corporation?

A business corporation is a legal entity separate and distinct from the individual(s) who compose the business. It has rights and abilities similar to those of a natural person. Principal features are perpetual duration, limited liability and easy transferability of interests. A corporation may be formed for any lawful business purpose or purposes. The Department of State cannot offer advice about the choice of business formation and strongly recommends consulting with legal and financial advisors before making the decision. read more

What types of businesses operate in New York State?

Types of businesses that operate in New York State are:

  • Business Corporation
  • Not-for-Profit Corporation
  • Limited Liability Company
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Partnership
  • Sole Proprietorship